10 Tips for more energy, health and happiness in your work day

10 Tips for more energy, health and happiness in your work day

Are you reading this at work? 

If so, do you find work exhausting? Stressful? Tiring? Depressing? 

Well, it doesn't have to be like that. If you do the right things you can get through the work day with more energy and even, enjoy more health and happiness! 


Check out these top 10 tips from LifeHacker…

Working at an office can be surprisingly unhealthy. Between sitting all day, eating poorly, and enduring never-ending stress, your office can take a few years off your life. Here's how to stay healthy and energetic at the office (and make the day go by faster).

10. Eat healthily…all day

9. Set up your workspace ergonomically

8. Get up and move regularly

7. Rest your eyes from time to time

6. Be friends with your co-workers

…keep reading more tips, in fact keep reading the full & original article HERE