August 2024

Let me begin by noting that I DON'T BELIEVE in fate. That is, I don't believe in the idea that events somehow develop outside our control, and are in some way predetermined by a supernatural power! That being said, I recently stumbled upon the philosophical concept of...

In recent years, I’ve been trying to learn how to be a bit more handy around the house. Growing up, I didn’t really learn how to fix or repair things. But thanks mostly to YouTube, I’ve realised there are many fixit tasks around the house that...

Life can seem quite complicated; especially if, like me, you're an over-thinker. But life, and happiness, need not be overly complex. Sometimes we just need to step back, do what we know we should do, and enjoy more of what comes with positive and satisfying activities. And...

I'm a huge fan of habits and routine. In fact, I've written TEN audiobooks for Audible all focusing on the power of habits in different ways. I began with "Habits for Happiness" (HERE), moved on to "Habits for Happiness at Work" (HERE) and then wrote about...

So many of us expend so much energy trying to achieve more, to do more, to buy and to own more; and on and on.  And an argument can easily be made that this isn't entirely bad or wrong. But as many of us know, it's also...

Do you ever feel like life is just a series of challenges, a continual ambush of adversity? Does it ever feel like each solution and each overcoming just opens the door to another problem?  The Myth of Sisyphus, is a philosophical essay by Albert Camus, published in...

Have you ever asked yourself if you "deserve" to be happy? Have you ever felt guilty about enjoying happiness because you believe it's inappropriate due to ...

I wrote this piece specifically for LinkedIn but I'm sure (or at least, I'm hoping) there are some here who'll also find it interesting and useful ...

Just yesterday, I met with one of my mentees, and among other things we found our way to discussing some of life's many difficulties. We ventured into a discussion about how to manage these challenges, but I also encouraged him to consider living WITH the...

Let me begin by saying that mindfulness meditation, in fact all forms of meditation, are extremely useful. I can say this with confidence because I've reviewed the research literature, and I've also experienced the benefits myself (as have MANY with whom I've worked over the years). At...