30 Aug Love your fate
Let me begin by noting that I DON’T BELIEVE in fate.
That is, I don’t believe in the idea that events somehow develop outside our control, and are in some way predetermined by a supernatural power!
That being said, I recently stumbled upon the philosophical concept of “amor fati”. I’m somewhat surprised I’ve never heard of it before but after some quick research I discovered that it’s a Latin phrase that refers to …
… a “love of fate” or “love of one’s fate”. It’s used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one’s life, including suffering and loss, as good or, at the very least, necessary.
Now let me note something else of importance; I also don’t believe everything that happens is good!
So why, then, if I don’t believe in fate and I don’t believe everything that happens is good am I writing about this concept of “amor fati”?
Because I do believe it can be HELPFUL to think about all that happens in our lives as events that are happening. They are what they are. And they are happening, maybe not for a reason, but they are happening.
And so it follows that if we can ACCEPT these realities of life and TRY TO SEE them for what they are, possibly even serving some purpose or at the very least providing us with an opportunity to CREATE some purpose, then that’s immeasurably better than denying reality or trying to fight against that which is!
I’m going to think more about this interesting concept and I hope you do too; and more so, I hope we can all find some value in facing up to life, accepting ALL of life, and learning from that which happens so we can grow and continue to live better lives.