April 2008

How good would it be if we could immunise our children against depression? How fantastic would it be if we could promote happiness and positive psychology principles in schools? Wouldn't we all like our children to be resilient and able to hold on to happiness even during...

Thanks again to my friends and colleagues in the positive psychology network I found, today, this great quote from Ghandi's grandson which touches on the important issue of anger management. Consistent with my oft repeated message that happiness isn't just about feeling good, but...

Thanks to the Ken Pope list-serve and to the Friends of Positive Psychology list-serve, I bring you this interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that notes how happiness is not just having fun, but also requires grit and resilience. Read on...

I've often said, and written, that happiness isn't just feeling good it's also doing good...

Are you happy with your life? Do you find joy in the things that you do? If not, how would you find joy and happiness? And once you find it, do you think you can keep it and be happy all the time? You can be...

Does owning pets bring happiness? Check out the story below from The Happiness Project (http://www.happiness-project.com/happiness_project/2008/04/debate-do-pets.html). Growing up, my family had a much-beloved dog, Paddy-Wack ("Knick knack paddy wack, give your dog a boneê¢__‘Ô_"), but we don"t have a pet now. I"m very thankful that...

ScienceDaily (Apr. 28, 2008) - Some argue that happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have. This maxim sounds reasonable enough, but can it be tested, and if so, is it true? It turns out it can be tested. Texas Tech University...

Enhance family's health, happiness with family mealtimes (from The Times, Liberal - http://www.swdtimes.com/view.php?I=1039) Sometimes a seemingly simple act can have a profound impact on your family's well-being. 'studies show that enjoying more meals as a family can improve physical, mental, and emotional health for children...

Happiness at work is increasingly being recognised as important from several perspectives - it helps attract and keep the best employees, as well as ensure that organisations get the most out of them in terms of productivity etc. To read an interesting article related to...