February 2014

Do you overcomplicate things?  If you do, like many of us do, you probably also experience more stress and frustration than you'd like; and accordingly, you probably also experience less happiness than you'd like.  Overcomplicating things distracts us from what's really important; and what's really important is...

by Dr. Timothy Sharp - Clinical & Coaching Psychologist (Twitter @drhappy)  In recent weeks we've seen several high profile examples of the devastation mental illness can cause. If we needed any more evidence that no one, regardless of fame and fortune and beauty, is immune to...

Maria Popova from Brain Pickings writes fantastic articles on all manner of thought provoking and stimulating topics. I know some find them a bit long, and dense, but in my opinion it's definitely worth making some time to read them.  And once again she's written a...

by Brian Penny from LifeHack We all want to be happy, and, like most things in life, the journey there is more important than the destination. If you’re looking for a reason to smile, there are some common places of happiness we all share, although each...

Does happiness require enlightenment?  Probably not.  But in many religions and schools of philosophical thought enlightenment is the ultimate goal from which real and meaningful happiness will (among other things) be experienced.  I'm not entirely sure if one is NECESSARY for the other but I am pretty sure...