June 2019

I've been saying for quite some time now that enjoying happiness requires little more than practising a few simple disciplines, each and every day. In other words, you can enjoy more happiness by building healthy habits; and here's a great article outlining 4 simple strategies...

Happiness is not selfishness. Happiness is not just feeling good it's doing good. Happiness can be enjoyed on one's own but happiness is frequently at its best when in the company of friends and loved ones. So what if you don't have as many friends...

via the Ladders by Travis Bradberry Whether you’re convincing your boss to fund your project or your preschooler to put his shoes on, persuasion is a skill that’s instrumental to your success in life. Persuasive people have an uncanny ability to get you leaning toward their way...

via the Ladders by Nicolas Cole Humans are not meant to stop growing. In fact, no living thing on earth is meant to stop growing. We are all alive, reaching for the sun. Progress in life is all about reinvention. I am going to preface all of this by...

We know that good quality relationships are one of the most significant contributors to happiness. And we know that positive communication is key to relationships and, therefore, to happiness. Well, here is a super simple but very effective way to improve your interactions and relationships...

Research suggests that those who focus on becoming better tend to be happier. Personal development, is good for our mood and our lives. Just having the attitude of wanting to be and striving to be better can boost our happiness. So keep reading if you're...

via the Ladders by Meghan Ingraham Growth in life and career starts with self-knowledge. Socrates was once asked to sum up what all philosophical commandments could be reduced to, he replied: ‘Know yourself.’ The phrase, “Know thyself,” is centuries old, but it’s still relevant today. Research from psychologist...