January 2025

You can be grateful for your life, and parts of the world around you whilst still acknowledging how challenging it can be and how much devastation there is You can believe people are predominately good and caring, without being naive or having others take advantage of...

The day you learn to accept who you really are, with all your weaknesses AND strengths ...

Find as much joy in taking the first step as you do in taking the last. Find the joy in sitting quietly as you find the joy in celebrating wildly. Find the joy in learning from your mistakes, as you find the joy in accomplishing great things. Find...

You will have wins and you will have losses. You will get some things right and some wrong. It's not enough to focus on them equally. For real and enduring happiness, learn from the losses and mistakes BUT focus MORE on the wins, the successes, the gains...

Several years ago I was working with a coach and he suggested the following - a simple 3 word motto or mantra to help me stay focused on what really matters. Too often we overcomplicate things and overcomplicating things reduces the chances of success. I like simple...

Imagine everything went perfectly; what would that be like? What strengths and resources do you have to make this a reality? Is there anyone who could help you? Anything you need to learn or change? What one thing can you do each day to achieve what you want...

Sometimes going by the name of "The Serenity Prayer", the following simple but incredibly powerful philosophy has helped me time and time again: change what you can change (do what you can do) accept what you can't change be wise enough to know the difference Don't...

The magic of childhood wasn't in being young, it was in being present and curious, playful and open to experience. The magic of living well at any age is knowing those qualities are available to all of us any time!...

You can be driven by comfort or by progress. You can strive for impossible perfection or good enough. You can try to avoid distress or … use it for motivation. Each has consequences. Weigh them up carefully....

Here's just a short list of things you can enjoy even if you're not a millionaire, don't have a super fit body, or are "lacking" some of the other things society tries to convince us we need ...