September 2024

We all know we can get physically stronger by exercising and working out. If I do bicep curls my bicep muscles will become stronger. If I do push-ups my chest muscles will become stronger. If I run regularly my cardio-vascular conditioning, or aerobic fitness will improve. Well,...

So many people spend so much of their lives working hard to get through the week so they can (hopefully) enjoy the weekend. But what if you didn't look forward to the weekends?  Not because weekends aren't fun; but because the working week was not so much...

At the risk of repeating myself (from the headline), real happiness is so much more than feeling good.  Not that feeling good isn't good; it is. In fact, feeling good is great! But really happiness also brings with it so many wonderful benefits that are all too...

There are several approaches to enjoying more happiness in life; too many to list fully here. But a few of the more obvious include: sitting and waiting for good things to happen, for joy to mysteriously appear from nowhere creating happiness by actively making good things...

Here are some life truths:  You will fail. You will disappoint others, and yourself. You will react badly to stressful situations. You will not be liked by everyone all the time. You will not like everyone all the time; and you will not like the world sometimes. But; and here's the...

As someone with a background in clinical psychology, who's spent most of the last few decades studying and learning Positive Psychology, you might think I'd be a fan of and someone who recommends "positive thinking". But you'd be mistaken, at least partially. It's true to say that...

Following the release of my latest book, "Lost & Found: how to wander your way to a better life", in July this year (2024), I was lucky enough to be invited on to numerous podcasts and to be part of several TV and radio interviews. And...

Unfortunately, one of my (many!) weaknesses is impatience. I want everything to happen (just right) now! Clearly that's not realistic or possible and so as a result, I'm often frustrated and disappointed (in and with myself and the world). But I've been working on being more patient; I've...

I originally wrote this short piece to go on LinkedIn with the title "Dealing with an unpleasant manager or colleague" and then I realised that most of the ideas and tips would also apply to dealing with anyone, such as an unpleasant family member or...