Get happy strong!

Get happy strong!

We all know we can get physically stronger by exercising and working out.

If I do bicep curls my bicep muscles will become stronger. If I do push-ups my chest muscles will become stronger. If I run regularly my cardio-vascular conditioning, or aerobic fitness will improve.

Well, it’s not that much different with psychological strength. In fact, it’s pretty much the same! 

If I practice positive self-talk, I’ll become better at being positive. If I practice responding mindfully, with calmness, I’ll experience less extreme emotional reactions. If I practice interacting with others in a caring and compassionate way … well, I think you get the idea.

The point is, happiness and resilience and wellbeing and any of these psychological goals can be achieved in the same way physical goals, like increased strength or flexibility can be achieved. 

Determine what you need to do, break it down and practice it, work out that “muscle”, as often as you can. 

If you can do that then just as your physical muscles and fitness improve with regular exercise, so too will your psychological strength and fitness and capacity improve and the end result of that is … a much improved, happier and more stable (psychological) life.