February 2022

Success can be defined in many different ways. But by any definition, success in life will almost certainly include happiness! Which is why I sometimes share articles about business or professional success, because more often than not, with just a few (usually) minor changes, what...

If you've read my posts or heard me speak then hopefully you'll know that I'm NOT an advocate of unbridled positivity. In fact, I'm much more of a fan of REALISTIC positivity; which is being positive as best you can BUT ALSO facing up to...

When people talk about happiness and social media / technology they often do so in negative terms. That is, social media and technology are often seen as detractors from happiness and wellbeing, things that distract us from the "real world" and from "real happiness". But...

Love is an important contributor to health and wellbeing, to happiness and even longevity. In fact, it may well be THE MOST IMPORTANT contributing factor. And I'm not just talking about "intimate" love, the love we have for our husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends and...