July 2015

via Greater Good - by Kira Newman Over the past decade, an entire industry has sprouted up promising the secrets to happiness. There are best-selling books like The Happiness Project and The How of Happiness, and happiness programs like Happify and Tal-Ben Shahar’s Wholebeing Institute. Here at...

It's not possible to be happy all the time.  But it is possible to be happier much of the time.  Enjoying happiness is often simpler than many of us think and notably, enjoying happiness is often up to us! And our responses to what's going on around...

by Daisy Grewal via Fulfillment Daily The Challenge: We caught up in the chase of happiness – but what truly brings us joy? The Science: Happiness and meaningfulness do overlap, but this obsession with happiness can lead to emptiness or a life that lacks meaning. Good relationships...

via Marc Chernoff “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it.” Eckhart Tolle Life can be hectic; sometimes chaos surrounds us in every imaginable direction. But just because the world around us is in disarray, doesn’t mean the world within us has to...

Real happiness is so much more than any individual.  Real happiness stems partly from what we do for ourselves, but just as much IF NOT MORE from what we do with and for others.  Which is why relationships and connectedness are so important for real happiness and...

The science of happiness has come along in leaps and bounds over recent years.  Accordingly, we can now confidently promote a number of strategies that have been proven to promote happiness and enhance quality of life.  This great article from the Wasthington Post describes 3 simple but...

by Matt Valentine via Buddhaimonia The popularity of meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, has exploded in recent years. Because of this, huge waves of people are just beginning their meditation practice, or still working out the kinks, and could use some simple guidance. I don’t pretend to know...