September 2018

Enjoying moments of happiness and joy is not that hard. Making sure your happiness lasts, however, is more challenging. But you can create long-term, enduring happiness if you follow these 9 rules...

via the Ladders by Eric Barker Seriously: Just two words. Seems like this should be a very short post, right? Here’s the quick and dirty: The word “yes” leads to happiness. The word “no” leads to success. Here’s why. For happiness say yes “Yes” creates opportunity. Saying yes a lot makes...

Happy people tend to spend more time with other happy people. That being said, happiness is NOT about ignoring or abandoning friends in need; or friends who're struggling. Rather, happiness is not just about feeling good but also doing good. So if you have friends who're down and...

It's oft been said that happiness is living in the present. There's definitely some truth in this; but happiness can also be in the past (recalling fond memories) and the future (looking forward to exciting events). Happiness, therefore, can be wherever we want it to be; but...