January 2019

via Wired By DAPHNE LEPRINCE-RINGUET Want to be happy? Don't be a gardener. Or so the oddball logic goes. When I was in secondary school, a career counselor came into my class one afternoon and asked if any of us 14-year-olds knew what we wanted to do...

When I talk and write about happiness, I'm mostly coming from a Positive Psychology perspective. That is, the science of thriving and flourishing. But there's much that overlaps with Buddhism and other, related, Eastern Philosophies. Buddhism has had much to say about happiness AND NOTABLY, much of it...

To enjoy happiness, we need to keep healthy. To enjoy happiness, we need to look after our bodies; AND our brains. Brain health is a relatively new area of study but some of the findings are proving to be fascinating and potentially very important...

Happiness is often associated with being our best. Happiness is often considered the result of extraordinary and special efforts. And these are both true of happiness. But happiness is also about acknowledging and accepting the ordinary, simple moments. And maybe happiness is about accepting it's OK to be ordinary...

via Harvard Business Review by Ashley Whillans Adam (real story, fake name) was a good employee who was given a plum project he believed could get him a promotion and a raise. Taking it seemed like the proverbial no-brainer: Work hard, nail the assignment, get more...

If happiness is about being our best selves then aiming high and achieving as much as we can should be part of that. At the same time, however, one of the greatest happiness killers is unrealistic expectations which cause disappointment and frustration. What should we do then? Well,...

via Inc.com by Marcel Schwantes Bill Gates is now 63. He fully acknowledges he's not the same person he was when he founded Microsoft to put a "computer on every desk and in every home." To assess his quality of life, Gates asks himself different questions that we should be asking ourselves...

Depending on how interested you are in politics and current affairs, you'll be more or less aware of the heated political climate in many parts of the world. Regardless of your position, there's little doubt that we're becoming more divided; and this isn't a good thing...