January 2019

To enjoy happiness, one needs to feel good about oneself. This is not the same as narcissism; but rather, a form of self-confidence that's beneficial to feeling happy. via the Guardian by Amy Sedghi Check negative self-talk How we value and perceive ourselves and our abilities is believed to...

Life is challenging sometimes. But if we treat it like a game, then it can be more fun more often. And more fun means more happiness; which means better health and a better life. So for health, wellbeing, happiness and success in life keep reading...

Almost anyone can be happy when things are going well. But the happiest people, also enjoy positive emotions when things aren't going so well. Emotional intelligence can help us cope better under pressure and, therefore, enjoy more happiness even during the tough times...

Back at work? Doesn't mean you have to confine yourself to the desk and office. Busy with parenting and/or household chores? Sure this doesn't take ALL of your day. Stuck inside more than you'd like? Get outside! Now; and as much as you can...

Happiness is NOT about smiling all the time. And success is NOT about winning all the time. In fact, happiness and success is just as much about managing sad or bad times AND dealing with adversity. If you doubt this, check out these amazingly successful people who utterly...

via Forbes by Paloma Cantero-Gomez Since the moment we stop confusing happiness with getting what we want or merely reaching our goals, we start heading down the right path. Greeks already got it right when defining happiness as "the joy that we feel when we’re striving after...

Happiness and success is not about being perfect or knowing it all. But self-doubt can definitely undermine the actions required to be your best and enjoy success and happiness. Self-doubt can eat away at confidence and perceived control, creating anxiety and uncertainty rather than satisfaction, contentment and...