December 2008

With all the misery and stress in the world it's great to remind ourselves that good things still happen. There's no doubt there are bad people in the world doing bad things; and there's no doubt that life can, at times, seem unfair. ...

The research from the exciting field of positive psychology suggests that happiness is an important component of good leadership (and by happiness, in this positive psychology context, I mean those who're high in emotional and social intelligence). A recent posting on Positive Psychology News Daily...

I just today found this interesting site - Music and happiness Although many of us interested in the area of positive psychology talk about and suspect there's an important link between music and happiness there's little science to support any of the claims made. Nevertheless, I...

Studies back contagious power of happiness Dec 17, 2008 By Lynne Friedmann - La Jolla Light New research from UC San Diego and Harvard Medical School shows that happiness can spread through a social network - traveling not just from one person to another but even to people...

Daily habits can affect our well-being. Here are 10 simple actions that research has shown makes people experience more happiness. In the last few years, psychologists and researchers have been digging up hard data on a question previously left to philosophers: What makes us happy?...

Dan Pink is one of the world's most respected thought leaders so when he starts referring to happiness and positive psychology we can be confident that it's being taken seriously! Alternet gleans several years of research from the field of positive psychology to reveal "10 Things...