In a funny kind of way I hope not too many people read this because I hope most, if not all of you are resting and/or spending time with family and loved ones.
But happiness is still, obviously, important on this special day of the...
As I spend some time with my family and away from the office I've been pondering happiness in a different way. For a variety of reasons, right now happiness for me includes...
As we've done before, we're very pleased to invite you to read this interesting article from Positive Psychology News Daily. Although it's a little "technical" and written, probably, more for a professional audience, it's still very readable and undoubtedly will be of interest to those...
Positive Psychology News Daily is a great site which not surprisingly, regulalry publishes articles and reviews on topics related to positive psychology (e.g. happiness!). Much of it's writing is aimed at positive psychology practitioners and professionals but as regular readers of my happiness blog would...
I was recently made aware of this Japanese world view, wabi-sabi, which has inspired me to re-think my definition of happiness.
You can check out the Wikipedia description - HERE
But in brief, the definition of wabi-sabi includes...