February 2020

via Forbes by Paula Black What does happiness mean to you? Healthy relationships? A good job? Time spent with your family? The truth is, there are as many definitions of happiness as there are stars in the night sky, because happiness looks different for each of us. But here...

There are so many variables that contribute to happiness but some of the more important ones include how we use our time and why we do what we do Focus and purpose are vital to real and meaningful happiness So if you'd like more happiness and think...

Increasingly, as I've aged and hopefully become more wise, I've realised that self-compassion is one of (if not) the most important factor in determining happiness. And that's because happiness is virtually impossible if we're not kind to ourselves; if we can't forgive ourselves; if we...

The researchers behind the original "happiness pie chart" share what they've learned in the past 15 years. BY KIRA M. NEWMAN | FEBRUARY 18, 2020 Do you know the happiness pie chart? If you’ve read a book or listened to a talk about happiness in the past 15 years,...

via the Ladders by CW Headley Humans are one of the few species on earth capable of consciously experiencing happiness. Neurologically speaking, happiness is classified as an evolutionary imperative for procreation and survival. Most animals lack the ability to anticipate the beginning and end of the process—by design. Our advanced, mammalian...