How to act from your deepest “why” and optimize your time

How to act from your deepest “why” and optimize your time

There are so many variables that contribute to happiness but some of the more important ones include how we use our time and why we do what we do

Focus and purpose are vital to real and meaningful happiness

So if you’d like more happiness and think these constructs might be relevant to you then keep on reading…

via the Ladders by Benjamin P Hardy

It is the norm to waste large portions of one’s time.

Most people have very low standards for how they use their time.

They don’t have clarity about where they should direct their attention.

They haven’t created conditions to get clear on a daily basis.

They don’t believe they deserve to spend their time on ONLY those things which fascinate, challenge, and motivate them.

They haven’t discovered nor clarified their deepest held motivations, both for specific goals and for their life in general.

They act and operate from their base-level reasons, which aren’t inspiring.

Hence, most people’s time is spent either on stuff that literally irritates them, or at best, is merely “okay.”

When you spend most of your time doing activities that irritate you, or are just okay, how do you think you come-off to the rest of the world?

Irritated and bored?

Lacking clarity and purpose?

Disconnected and distracted?

How do you make the shift?

How do you get clear about what you want?

How do you connect with your deepest held convictions and identity?

How do you operate at peak levels, daily?

How do you enhance your sense of self-worth, and continually upgrade what you believe you can have in your life?

How do you surround yourself with other people who are focused on growth and giving, rather than greed and taking?

By the end of this article, you will be better suited to grapple with these questions.

Your Life Is A Reflection Of What You Believe You Deserve

Everything in your life, right now, is a reflection of what you believe you deserve.

Subconsciously, you believe you are “unworthy” of anything beyond what you currently have.

Unworthy to have more.

Unworthy to contribute more.

Unworthy to experience more.

Unworthy to connect deeper.

Where do these internal attitudes come from? They come from your behaviors.

Your behaviors dictate your beliefs about yourself and the world. If you eat unhealthy food, how do you think that will influence your sense of identity?

What if you changed it up?

What if, instead of eating unhealthy foods, you DECIDED to eat only healthy foods, just for one single day.

How you act and what you do shapes your internal identity. Hence, when you make a personal investment in yourself, you create an immediate psychological upgrade.

You raise the bar on what you believe you’re worth.

You raise the bar on what you believe you can do.

You raise your standards for:

  • the type of person you want to be
  • the quality of work you want to do
  • the types of people you want to be around
  • the way you spend your time
  • and the lifestyle you have

… keep reading the full & original article HERE