December 2019

via Psychology Today by Lawrence R Samuel Even historians of happiness like myself freely admit that we still know relatively little about the subject, especially regarding how to generate more of it in our everyday lives.  Some of the most brilliant minds since antiquity have...

via Forbes by Jack Kelly We always hear people lecture us—usually our bosses and parents—that “time is money”. Time is an incredibly valuable finite resource. While you can get more money, we can’t create more time.   Going into the new year and decade, it's important to...

via Psychology Today by Noam Shpancer New Year’s resolutions are notoriously useless. Promises of change made to oneself on New Year’s Eve quickly and routinely dissolve into dithering, failure, and regret. There are multiple reasons for this pattern of failure. But an important meta-reason is probably this: Real personal...

via by Peter Economy The future is chock full of possibilities and opportunities, new chances and new journeys. With 2020 and the new decade fast approaching, many of us use this time at the end of the year to think about where we are now, and...

Looking to make the New Year a year of happiness and success and resilience? Hoping 2020 has even more happiness and joy; achievement and accomplishment? If so, the good news is that it's possible; you can learn what works from those who're already happy and...

via Forbes by Michelle Braden I remember a story my Dad used to tell. It goes like this: An older gentleman and his granddaughter were sitting on a bench outside the city market, enjoying a soda and the sunshine, when a stranger pulled up. The stranger asked...

With the new year, 2020, just around the corner I'm sure many of you (like me) are looking to create as much happiness and success as we can starting January 1. At the same time, I'm sure many of you (like me) are used to...

With 2020 just a few days away, who'd like more happiness? And who things that more happiness might come from creating more life changing moments? Happiness really is just lots of positive moments; those little things that ultimately add up to ...