October 2007

The happiness workout If you're feeling miserable, medication might not be the answer for you. Rebecca Hardy discovers the power of positive thinking Tuesday October 30, 2007 The Guardian Misery: it's everywhere these days. We are all popping happy pills like Smarties, checking ourselves into the Priory...

The following happiness article is partly about happiness and partly about the USA elections. As we're interested in happiness here and as we also have elections coming up soon I thought it might be relevant in this forum...

Study: We think on the bright side Nicole He Issue date: 10/29/07 Section: News A recent NYU neuroscience study has revealed that the areas of the human brain responsible for optimism are the same regions accountable for problems linked with depression. The study, published last week, found that...

Hello there happy campers and here's hoping you've just had a great weekend. As I've done on a few occasions before I bring to you this morning a stightly modified version of one of the weekly tips I regularly send out to those on...

Those that find Nemo also often find happiness John Von Radowitz, London October 28, 2007 The Age PETS can provide a good indication of their owners' personalities, a study has shown. People who have dogs tend to be cheerful, while cat lovers are dependable and emotional, and reptile owners independent. But...

Dalai Lama Cultivates Happiness at Purdue Oct 27, 2007 08:50 AM "Cultivating Happiness" was the Dalai Lama's theme. He kept his audience rapt as he spoke off-the-cuff for about an hour. Before his speech, Purdue president France Cordova presented the Dalai Lama with "The Order...

I hope once again that you enjoy these quotes with, my happiness interpretations: Confidence is the result of hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication. - Roger Staubach, American Football Player Achieving happiness requires nothing more than practicing a few simple...

Thanks to my new e-friend Senia for the following article about happiness at work which recently appeared in Positive Psychology News Daily...

The following happiness article, from the Cape Times, shows (among other things) how happiness can differ in different cultures. What makes you happy? Marriage has been shown to contribute to higher levels of happiness in the developed world, but a new University of Cape Town...