July 2022

Happiness is different for all of us. And happiness is even different for all of us on different days. So, to enjoy happiness consistently, regardless of what's going on, flexible thinking is key ...

I love the people over at Big Feels Club. If you're not familiar with their work, then please check them out HERE And I especially love this recent article about adventure, taking risks, and how it can be good for your mental health ...

We all want happiness. But for many reasons, mostly unintentional, some of us undermine our own happiness with bad habits and self-sabotage. Becoming more aware of these self-defeating behaviours can, however, lead to more success. And this Psych Central article by Martha Bodyfelt should help...

Arthur C Brooks has been writing about happiness for quite a while now; and to be honest, he's one of my favourite writers on this topic. I almost always agree with his opinions and summaries, and he writes in way that's so easy to comprehend...

One of the most helpful things I've learned as I've aged, and hopefully matured and gained a bit of wisdom, is that denying or trying to fight the inevitable is a losing battle; a path to misery and unhappiness. In contrast, accepting reality is much...