November 2012

by Ingrid Poulson I am sometimes asked to identify what is the most crucial factor in becoming more resilient, a daunting prospect really, considering the wide range of resilience skills, behaviours and factors available to choose from. However, if forced to choose, I would have to say...

There's much we can learn about life and happiness from the most unexpected sources. I recently discovered this little gem of a story as it flew, like many less notable examples, around cyberspace. Many of these "jokes" or stories are barely worth reading; this one...

by Scott Crabtree for Positive Psychology News Daily Until recent years, the story of your brain was pretty discouraging. When I was getting my degree in Cognitive Science in the 1980s, I was told what you may have heard: you are born with billions of brain...

Your negative emotions are powerful guides to what needs to change in your life. I love this statement because here at The Happiness Institute we've been saying for many years that the so-called "negative emotions" are not always negative; that is, they're not always bad for...

Here at The Happiness Institute we've worked for quite some time now on the basis that happiness, as a primary goal, can motivate and energise people to then do what they need to do to achieve success in other areas of life. What we've called...

  Check out this, yet another great new post from Ingrid Poulson I remember as a kid seeing the first glint of tinsel in the supermarket and the instant fission of excitement: Wow! It’s nearly Christmas! Not so long ago, I greeted the same sight with a feeling...

By Geoffrey James for Business Insider Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of success, but it's almost impossible to make others happy if you're not happy yourself. With that in mind, here are nine small changes...

by Amina Kahn - Sydney Morning Herald Regardless of whether money can buy happiness, being happy may actually make you more money down the road, new research finds. People who express more positive emotions as teenagers and greater life satisfaction as young adults tend to have higher...

by Bianca da Silva In an interesting study conducted by researchers from the George Mason University, as well as the University of Massachusetts, the University of Chicago and the University of Alabama-Birmingham, has indicated a direct link between an individual’s functioning and their level of happiness....

from The Happiness Diet's blog (HERE)  In one of his less well known novels, "The Island", Aldous Huxley describes his version of the ideal, utopian society. One in which divisive politics and religion are replaced by acceptance and tolerance; where education involves real skills for living...