How to handle negative emotions

How to handle negative emotions

Your negative emotions are powerful guides to what needs to change in your life.

I love this statement because here at The Happiness Institute we've been saying for many years that the so-called "negative emotions" are not always negative; that is, they're not always bad for you because (among other things) they point to or suggest areas of your life that might need attention. 

And this article sums up very well how negative emotions can be used to make changes that ultimately will lead to more happiness and success. And if you ultimately get to enjoy more happiness and success then the "negative" emotions have at least some portion of positive within them! 

Read on and enjoy…

Because you're a human being, you're going to feel emotions while you're at work. It's hoped that the bulk of your emotions will be positive, such as excitement, wonder, gratitude, and joy.

However, it's inevitable that you'll also feel some negative emotions. But here's the thing: The way you handle your negative emotions will largely determine how successful you'll eventually become.

After all, it's easy to manage a business or do a job when everything's all sweetness and light. What's difficult is making things happen when times are rough and things don't work out the way you'd prefer.

With that in mind, here are the six most common negative emotions that people feel at work, along with a plan to transform those emotions into something to help you become more, rather than less, successful.

1. If you're feeling fear…

Step back for a second and try to see the situation objectively. Ask yourself: "Is my business or career truly at risk?" If not, then you may just be feeling nervous and excited rather than fearful, just like when you get on a roller coaster. So enjoy the ride.

If you decide that the situation is truly serious, then do something physical, like taking a walk, to clear your mind. When you return, create an action plan for how you're going to handle the situation right now.

Think of all the times that you've successfully handled similar situations or other situations that were personally challenging. Have faith that you'll be able to do the same this time. Then take the first step in your action plan.

2. If you're feeling rejected…

Decide whether you actually respect the opinion of the person who "rejected" you. If the rejection came from an idiot, a blowhard, or a mooncalf, a "rejection" is actually a backhanded compliment.

If you DO respect the other person's opinion, recognize that you may be interpreting the situation incorrectly. The only way to find out is to ask. Say something like: "The other day, you said ____ and I felt hurt. Can you clarify what happened?"

Finally, realize that, in a very real sense, "rejection" is an illusion. It almost always stems from a difference in the "rules" by which people interpret events. Probably you got "rejected" because the other person had different rules. So where's the sting?

3. If you're feeling angry…

Your first task is get some distance from the situation. If you can, get up and go for a walk, or do something that will distract you for a moment. If you can't take any of those actions, use Mom's old standby and slowly count from one to 10.

Now that you've calmed yourself down, pinpoint the reason that you're angry. You will find that in EVERY case, it's because somebody has violated a rule or standard that is deeply important to you.

Rather then "blowing up" or "letting off steam," figure out how to communicate to the other person the importance of that rule or standard so that the same situation doesn't recur in the future.

4. If you're feeling frustrated…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE