happiness Tag

Happiness can come from engaging in positive and constructive actions. But happiness can ALSO come from NOT engaging in activities that are draining or bad for your mental health. For me, I've boosted my happiness by limiting social media use and consumption of news ...

You've survived every difficult day you've been through so far. You're so much stronger than you think. This too shall pass. You're not alone and don't need to cope with this on your own....

You can move away from that which you don't want BUT you might find it more motivating to move towards that which you do want. It might seem easy to head in the same direction as others BUT ultimately, you'd be best served treading your own...

Look for tiny moments of joy and gratitude in the little things. Look for that sense of achievement and accomplishment in each positive step you take. Look for any experiences of connection and growth, no matter how fleeting. Happiness may not be nearly as elusive as it seems...

Winning in life isn't about succeeding all the time. It's about keeping on going despite losing sometimes. And despite doubts and uncertainty and despite getting lost. And despite all sorts of obstacles getting in the way....

There is so much you can do, change, make better. There is so much you can do nothing about. Both are equally true. Both require action and acceptance....

If taking care of yourself helps you feel happier and healthier, and more inspired and motivated; if taking care of yourself thus makes you a better partner and parent, colleague and friend; how then could self-care be selfish? Self-care is NOT selfish, it's what's best for...

... be kind and caring and thoughtful. ... respond with dignity and respect. ... muster the courage to do hard things. ... ask for help and allow yourself rest....

No-one, ever, has hated their way to happiness. Discomfort can be motivating, but only if it first comes from a position of understanding and even, ideally, compassion. Self-compassion, on the other hand, which includes self-kindness, combines self-care with self-inspiration. This is what we all need to be working...