November 2019

Happiness and gratitude. Gratitude and happiness. They go together like sugar and spice, all things nice and, well...

Does overthinking lead to anxiety that eats away at your happiness? Do your thoughts spiral out of control and ruin your calm? I'm happy to say ...

If you're reading this I'm sure you're familiar with the link between gratitude and happiness. Happy people tend to be more grateful. And grateful people tend to enjoy more happiness. But practising gratitude in the same way every day can become stale; and boring. Which...

Happiness, satisfaction, resilience, grit, mental strength (and many more related constructs) are all similar. They're different, but they're all related. So for those of us wanting to enjoy more happiness, developing mental strength and grit, toughness and resilience is very important. Why, because life's hard...

What's life about if not to enjoy happiness? I don't mean the selfish, narcissistic type of "happiness" that's really hedonism. But rather, the genuine type of happiness that's about fully engaging with and in life (for all it is and isn't). For that type of...

If happiness is about understanding yourself; and others. And if happiness is about managing yourself; and responding appropriate to others. Then happiness and emotional intelligence are intimately linked. Accordingly, building on your emotional intelligence will indubitably build more happiness...

Although it's not possible to be calm ALL the time, there's no doubt that having the ability to stay calm, especially during times of stress, can be very helpful. In fact, you could say calm is a type of happiness; it can reduce the intensity...

We all know that there's a relationship between gratitude and happiness. Quite simply, those who practice gratitude tend to enjoy more happiness. Be thankful and be happy! But not as many know that in addition to boosting happiness, gratitude can also help with unpleasant emotions....