23 Aug What if there was a better way?
So many of us expend so much energy trying to achieve more, to do more, to buy and to own more; and on and on.
And an argument can easily be made that this isn’t entirely bad or wrong.
But as many of us know, it’s also quite easy to see that there are problems with this “more is better” approach. As many of us know, it can lead to exhaustion and dissatisfaction and disappointment.
But what if there was a better way? What if happiness was more likely to be found in doing less (and thereby resting more), achieving less (but focusing more on quality rather than quantity), having less (whilst being more grateful for so much we typically take for granted)?
This list and these examples are just a few of the applications that could be cited in this “discussion” but I think, without elaborating further, you’ll get the message.
Maybe what all the advertisers and marketers, and even our family and friends sometimes tell us isn’t quite so healthy. Maybe there’s a better way where in fact … less is more?!?!