health Tag

Happiness need not be complicated. Be good, and do good, eat well and move often. Be grateful for what you have, and give to others when you can. Be kind. Always be kind. And that includes being kind to yourself. Oh, and don't forget to dance a little...

Rest is not a luxury. It's a necessity for living a healthy and happy life. Don't just "allow" yourself to rest; prioritise it and value it and treasure it. There should be no guilt associated with rest but rather, just as you might feel proud when you...

Today's post is pretty short and simple. If and when you need to rest then ...

via the Huffington Post by Michelle Lian Life has a way of passing us by at what feels like the speed of light. The older you get, the more quickly it seems to move. Before you know it, another day, week, month and year has gone by,...

Motivating yourself is pretty simple.  But it's also pretty important to KEEP doing it CONSISTENTLY in order to enjoy desireable outcomes such as health and wellbeing, happiness and success.  So today we bring you 52 great ideas to boost you motivation.  And there's no doubt that if you...

via Greater Good - by Kira Newman Over the past decade, an entire industry has sprouted up promising the secrets to happiness. There are best-selling books like The Happiness Project and The How of Happiness, and happiness programs like Happify and Tal-Ben Shahar’s Wholebeing Institute. Here at...

Health and happiness.  Happiness and health.  The two are intricately linked and vitally important to each other; not to mention success and other aspects of living our best possible lives.  Today we bring you an article that focuses ostensibly on getting healthier but as hinted at above, and...