101 Inspiring Mindfulness Quotes

101 Inspiring Mindfulness Quotes

To enjoy happiness, it helps to be mindful.

To be mindful, is to be happy. 

Check out these 101 awesomely inspiring mindfulness quotes and find your way to more happiness and a better life…

via Buddhaimonia by Matt Valentine

“Living 24 hours with mindfulness is more worthwhile than living 100 years without it.”

– The Buddha

Mindfulness practice , at its foundation, is simple and straightforward (at least, the how, actually doing the practice can be another story).

However, the practice of mindfulness is really our whole life. It’s mindfulness practice which allows us to become more awake to our life as a whole and uncover countless insights that have a real and significant impact on the quality of our day-to-day life.

For this reason, mindfulness practice touches every aspect of our life. It includes what goes on within us, from the story we tell ourselves in our day-to-day life with thoughts and imaginations and the myriad of feelings we experience such as fear, anger, and sadness to the sensations we feel in the body and how the mind and body are really interconnected as one whole, sensations affecting the mind and thoughts and feelings affecting the body.

However, it goes much further than that. It can change our relationship with loved ones for the positive, improving our patience and priming us for greater understanding, compassion, and loving-kindness.

Years ago, mindfulness and meditation practice changed my life in real and significant ways and it continues to do so today (some of which are associated with what I mentioned above).

The words below might seem like simply enjoyable blurbs either confirming your life’s experiences or beliefs or insightful reading which can open your mind to a new idea. And they are exactly that.

However, the quotes below, for those sincerely interested in mindfulness and meditation practice, can even help show you how to practice (or, at least, improve your practice or clear up a misconception).

For that reason, everyone should find something of value.

101 Inspiring Mindfulness Quotes to Live By

The below quotes are categorized mostly for ease of reading and enjoyment. Keep in mind that some of these quotes are related to mindfulness and mindfulness practice itself and others to the insights you can discover as a result of it.

Categories include: Mindfulness Practice (quotes associated with the practice itself), Insights (as in, insights which mindfulness practice can lead to and are associated with), The Peace and Miracle of This Moment, The Movie of Our Life (the way we “add” to the reality of our life with thoughts and feelings), Stress, Anxiety, and Challenge, and Making Friends with Yourself and Being with Others.

Enjoy these 101 inspiring mindfulness quotes…

…keep reading the full & original artricle HERE