Beware of these bad habits if you want more happiness

Beware of these bad habits if you want more happiness

via by Lolly Daskal

10 Bad Habits That Could Be Destroying Your Happiness

Bad habits keep you unhappy, keep you stuck, make you do things you don't want to do. Start today, right now, to eliminate them from your life. When you do, you'll open up room for new positive habits to take their place.

Any or all of these 10 habits is a good place to start.

1. Postponing your goals.

Procrastination will keep you from reaching your goals more effectively than any external obstacle. Start today by taking one baby step toward a goal. Do the same the next day. It doesn't have to be much, but do something every day. Consistent effort is the key.

2. Living a mediocre life.

Step out of your comfort zone and remember that many of the greatest pleasures in life include some degree of risk. Happiness is not about avoiding the painful things in life; it's about chasing our dreams and aspirations.

3. Self-sabotaging.

Any pattern that keeps disrupting your growth, your success, or your happiness has to stop. What's keeping you stuck? Find it and then find your way out of it. Develop patterns that support your highest goals…

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