21 Jan Monday Morning Happiness Tip – Make your Resolutions a Reality
Don't let another year go by without achieving your new goals!
In this morning's free eNewsletter I included this practical set of tips…
This week's tip continues the somewhat cliched path for this time of year focusing on making New Years' Resolutions become realities. Again, as noted, we know this is a bit over-talked about during January of any year but it is important for many people and we sincerely hope we can help you make 2013 your best year ever. So if you've set new resolutions of goals for this year then maximise your chances of achieving them by…
ensuring they're as specific as possible. Exactly what do you want to achieve? Where and by when? How are you going to do this?
break your resolutions or goals down into small, manageable chunks. Be clear about exactly what you need to do each and every day, week, month etc
monitor your progress. They say that what doesn't get measured doesn't get done and the flip side of this is that we know those people who do track their progress are far more likely to make positive gains
stretch yourself and set goals that are exciting but make sure also that you're realistic…particularly when it comes to time frames
check that the goals you've set are really goals that are important to you (not just something someone else thinks you "should" achieve)!
enlist the support of family and friends (or maybe even a professional like one of OUR COACHES!). Positive support can markedly increase the chances of success.
So there they are; some simple but practical and when applied properly, very powerful strategies for turning your dreams into your reality!
You can read the full Happiness Institute eNewsletter HERE
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