13 Dec 8 beliefs that make you more resilent
This article from Inc.com is primarily about resilience at work but I think you'll find it has relevance in all areas of our lives…
by Geoffrey James
Most people live lives of quiet desperation because they focus on things that they cannot control: outside events, stuff that happened in the past and what other people are thinking. As a result, they fail to focus on what they CAN control: their own beliefs, their own attitude, their own emotions, and their own behavior.
Of these four things, by far the most important are your beliefs, because what you believe about work and life largely determines how you feel (your attitude and emotions) and what actions you take (your resulting behavior.)
In my view, there are eight personal beliefs that not only will propel you completely out of desperation but give you the emotional oomph to handle just about anything the business world throws at you. Here they are:
1. Today's success can breed tomorrow's failure if I let success make me complacent about staying motivated and moving forward.
2. I learn more from failure than from success. Failure renews my humility, sharpens my objectivity and makes me more resilient.
3. Goals that contain the phrase "I'll try…" are self-defeating. If I want goals that truly motivate me, I use phrases like "I will" and "I must."
4. What holds most people back is fear of failure, but if I don't take action, I'll fail by default, so what have I got to lose?
…keep reading the full & original article HERE and give some thought to how and where this might be relevant and useful in all areas of your life.