07 Jun 10 seeds for happiness
There are so many great people out there providing great tips and resources for those of us keen to create more happiness in our lives and it's our absolute pleasure, here at The Happiness Institute, to share at least some of them with you. We enjoy providing our own articles and tips, mostly from our fearless leader Dr. Happy, but we also enjoy scouring the world for other wonderful sources of positivity and happiness.
And so today, we're happy to bring you a great little article from the Positivity Toolbox titled "10 seeds for happiness". Read on and enjoy…
All of us want to be happy. In fact in most polls people say that they want peace and happiness more than anything else in the world. The problem is: most of us are looking in the wrong places. Imagine being happy all the time. How would your life be different if you were happy all the time?
The answers have recently been revealed thanks to a multi-disciplinary team of six British specialists who span a variety of professions from psychology, psychotherapy to economics who embarked on an unusual social experiment.
Here are their findings:
Plant something and nurture it. When you water and feed plants they grow. When you water and feed the seeds of your interests, they grow too.
At the end of each day stop and think how fortunate you are. Think of five things in your life that you are grateful for each day.
Make time to talk to your partner. Every week sit down for at least an hour and talk with your partner or someone you love. That’s one hour without answering the phone or texts or watching TV or listening to music. One uni nterrupted hour with your loved one.
Make phone calls that you keep promising yourself you will make. Contact the friend with whom you haven’t spoken for a while or whatever the case may be…
…keep reading the remaining tips at the original source HERE
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