Developing a regular happiness exercise routine

Developing a regular happiness exercise routine

After suffering back and neck pain on and off for many years, and after suffering the well meaning nagging of my wife to do something about it, I finally took some positive action and organised to have some personal training sessions with a Pilates trainer.

I won’t bore you with the details but in short, the goal is to build up the strength in some of my core muscles, to train regularly and learn how to use my body better to avoid suffering the neck and back pain that’s troubled me in the past.

The reason I mention this here is that I’ve begun to think there are lessons to be learned for those seeking more happiness in their lives…

…the science of positive psychology has led, over the last decade or two to the development of a number of proven and evidence based “exercises” which we know that if practiced, will boost happiness and wellbeing in individuals (just like “physical” exercises boost strength and conditioning in those who train regularly).

And that last phrase is the key…the benefits come to those who train regularly.

Here at The Happiness Institute we’ve been saying for quite some time now that achieving happiness requires little more than practicing a few simple disciplines each and every day.

The good news is that we know what these disciplines and exercises are; you can find a few free summaries to download HERE and HERE

And we’ve even developed some simple monitoring forms for you to use HERE and HERE

So there really is no excuse! Approach your happiness the way you approach exercising or other important lifestyle needs by planning and being disciplined and by developing a healthy and practical routine you can stick to on a daily and/or weekly basis.

There’s more detail and more information and resources HERE but again, achieving happiness requires nothing more than practicing a few simple disciplines each and every day so exercise for happiness and the rewards will be yours!