26 Aug Finding happiness in the happiness of others
Have you ever considered borrowing happiness? Have you ever thought you could benefit from the success and joys of others?
Well this article from PsychCentral has much of relevance for those of us exploring ways to create more happiness in our lives (especially those of us who realise that happiness is not the same as selfishness)…
Borrowing Joy – by Will Meecham
If something good happens, but it happens to someone else, is it still good? Of course! No one would argue out loud, but deep down we value our own happiness more than the happiness of others. This is natural, human, and not something to feel bad about.
At the same time, the temptation to prefer our own welfare over that of others needs to be resisted. It isn_ã_t hard to live vicariously through the success and joy of loved ones. Good parents automatically promote their children_ã_s progress at their own expense. It gets a little more challenging in the case of siblings (read: sibling rivalry), and can seem nearly impossible with strangers. How many of us would significantly deny ourselves in order to help a stranger?
I_ã_m talking about more than just sending money or volunteering for a day…
…to find out what he is talking about, and to find out how to find happiness and joy in the successes of others JUST CLICK HERE