Happiness comes from being strong

Happiness comes from being strong

There’s no doubt that happy people are better at identifying and utilising their strengths; it’s not that they ignore their weaknesses, it’s just that they spend more time trying to make the most of what they’re already good at.

This happiness principle was recently described in an article on Psychology Today; read this short extract below…

Signature strengths are part of an evolving component in positive psychology, the science of what makes people thrive and flourish in their communities and their lives. The three main branches of positive psychology are the study of positive emotions, character traits, and institutions. The signature strength survey helps to identify the various aspects of character. Why is this important? Because the research suggests that if you are aligned with these strengths and engage in their development and expression, you are likely to be happier and more fulfilled in life. Understanding and developing these strengths allows you to live a more authentic life.

Interested in reading more about how to find happiness by using your strengths? Just click here