13 Dec An old year gone; a new year coming …
As the year comes to an end, it’s a great time for reflection and planning. Reflecting on the year that’s gone; and planning for the year to come.
Suggesting you give some consideration to this, obviously, isn’t a new idea, but it’s one too many of us gloss over, too quickly, meaning we don’t make the most of what can be a fantastic opportunity for both celebration and self-growth.
And so, with that in mind, I invite you to set aside an hour or so over the next few weeks, a time when you can be focused and not disturbed, to ask yourself (and hopefully answer) the following questions (and ideally, bring along a pen and paper and write down your thoughts and feelings, your dreams and goals):
Of what are you most proud this year?
What was the greatest lesson you learned this year?
What do you want to do more of next year?
What do you want to do less of?
What might make this difficult?
How can you make it happen (including, who might help you make it happen)?
And before concluding, whatever thoughts you have through this process, please be kind to and gentle with yourself, as you reflect and plan. None of us are perfect. It’s OK if you had a difficult year and/or if you’re anxious about the coming year. But you did your best and you’ll do your best and … that’s all we can ask of ourselves.