15 Nov A few interesting articles on happiness, self-care and other interesting topics
I haven’t done this for a while so I thought it might be timely to publish a post with a few interesting articles from around the web / world relating to psychology, happiness and self-care.
If that sounds interesting, then read on …
- reminding us that happiness isn’t just a solo-sport, but rather, more of something we can build around or within community, this great article from “Reasons to be Cheerful” is well worth a few minutes of your time – HERE
- along similar lines is this great piece about “collective joy”! Read more – HERE
- for something a bit different, check out Arthur C Brooks’ thoughts on why humility is key to happiness and wellbeing – HERE
- and from Psychology Today, comes an article recommending the benefits of slow living – HERE
- Finally, and a bit out of left field, comes this thought provoking story about “momento mori” and why thinking about death enriches your life! Ready for that? Read more – HERE
Curiosity and ongoing learning are crucial for self-development and happiness. At least they are for me! And I assume if you’re still reading this then they are for you too : )
Keep well and keep smiling, Dr Tim