23 Jul Who do you allow in your bed?
Despite the heading of this article, I’m not writing about intimacy or sexual partners.
What I am writing about, however, is who and what you take to bed with you in terms of your thoughts.
When you turn out the lights at night, are you still thinking about that nasty person who said something mean to you? What about the random stranger who posted some negative comment on social media? Or even your boss or a colleague who criticised your work?
If so, would you ever, literally, allow any of these people into your bed with you?
If not, and I assume you wouldn’t, then don’t allow them into your thoughts!
I know this is easier said than done, but next time one or other of these non-bedmates pops into your mind when you’re lying awake at night or trying to relax, remind yourself that they’re NOT good bedfellows and put them back in their place.