How to get started when you’re struggling with motivation

How to get started when you’re struggling with motivation

We all have days or weeks, even, when we struggle with motivation and energy.

But that need not stop you from carrying on and getting what you need done. Although it’s OK to pause and rest at times, here are a few things that have helped me during these difficult times:

  • just do one small thing! If I’m wanting to work out, I commit to just one set of 5 minutes or so. If I’m trying to write I commit to just one sentence or maybe one paragraph.
  • ask someone to join you in doing what you’re trying to do. Having a buddy or partner in a task can make doing that task so much easier and often, more enjoyable. Never forget that you don’t have to do life alone.
  • approach whatever you’re doing with positivity! You don’t have to complete a task, or to complete it perfectly, to warrant congratulations and reward. Give yourself a pat on the back for just doing anything.
  • be gentle with yourself along the way! It’s OK not to be OK sometimes. It’s OK not to have all the energy. It’s OK to go slower and not as far sometimes.

More often than not I find that if I can just do one thing, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant, I feel a bit better and then gain some motivation and inspiration to do more. Which feels good; which creates happiness. And happiness and motivation then creates a positively reinforcing cycle so that more and more becomes seemingly more and more possible.