20 May An oldie but a goodie …
I’m well aware that much of what I write here won’t necessarily be new to many of you.
But I’m also well aware that we can all benefit from reminders, that many of us “know” what we should do but don’t always “do” it.
And so today is a reminder of one of the most important constructs in self-help, for the management of mental health and the creation of happiness and wellbeing. It’s linked to what some psychologists call agency, and it’s all about your focus and what you try to control.
Sometimes known as “the Serenity Prayer”, which has been noted in several different versions, the advice is to …
Change what you can change
Accept what you can’t change
And be wise enough to know the difference.
This is one of those suggestions that sounds or looks deceptively simple, but is simultaneously incredibly profound and powerful.
It’s also, like most things, easier said than done but it’s worth practising and persisting because even if you can partially succeed with this approach you’ll most definitely enjoy more happiness and life satisfaction (not to mention much less frustration and disappointment).
So there it is, today’s reminder, to do what you can but to know you can’t do everything!