A timely reminder … at least it is for me and I hope it is for you too

A timely reminder … at least it is for me and I hope it is for you too

Around the world at the moment there is war, but also peace. There are people trying to drag us backwards and others fighting for progress. There is deterioration and improvement. There is danger but also many places of safety.

In my life at the moment there are worries and challenges, but also great and wondrous things about which I feel grateful and excited. I have people who I feel care little for my needs but thankfully, many others who are caring and supportive. In the last 48 hours I’ve experienced sadness and grief and anxiety and worry but also joy and contentment and excitement and hope.

I don’t know you but I think I’m safe in assuming that this is all our lives …

There is and always will be good and bad, wins and losses, trials and tribulations and learning and growth.

I’m sharing this today partly to remind myself, but also to remind any of you who might also benefit from some perspective and I hope, some hope. Because far too often the media only focuses on one side, the bad side, and far too often too many of us get sucked in to sharing this negativity and pessimism. 

As noted, I’m not denying there are problems in the world, there are, and there are many issues deserving of our concern. But at the same time, there are just as many IF NOT MORE issues that if attended to, would create happiness and positivity and optimism and gratitude.

If just one person reads this post and feels a little brighter today, then I’ll be a happy man.