It’s International Day of Happiness! Why does this matter?

It’s International Day of Happiness! Why does this matter?

It’s International Day of Happiness! Why does this matter?

Well, on the one hand it doesn’t. Because EVERY day should be a day in which we focus on happiness. But at the same time, like other special days that highlight particular causes or issues, it’s a great opportunity to focus on something important, in this case happiness, and raise awareness of what it is and why it’s important.

You might think it’s obvious what happiness is and why it’s important. Yet in my work I’m constantly confronted by myths and misconceptions, by misunderstandings and a range of other factors that contribute to many not recognising the value of or prioritising happiness in their lives.

So, what is happiness? 

What its NOT is just feeling good all the time. Positive emotions are a part of happiness, an important part, but so too are a number of other variables that don’t just go to the question of “how are you feeling NOW?” but more so, “taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with your life overall?”

So happiness is feeling good, but it’s also setting and working towards long-term meaningful goals (which sometimes means not feeling good because we have to delay gratification and work hard), taking care of our physical health and wellbeing, cultivating a solution focused mindset that’s grateful and optimistic but that also faces up to problems, in a solution focused way. Happiness is also about connecting with others, and fostering healthy, positive relationships. And it’s about having fun, and enjoying life’s pleasures, here and now and as often as possible.

Which then brings me to … why is happiness important? 

Because happiness is associated with many desirable and important variables including … better health and longevity, more altruism and generosity, resilience, better performance in almost every context, including the workplace, better relationships and more. In short, people who’re REALLY happy, and I mean happy in the real, authentic sense, live life better. Which also means they can accept and regulate unhappiness more efficiently and effectively!

So, on this World Happiness Day or International Day of Happiness, make a point to think about what happiness means to and for YOU … as well as why it’s so important for you and for all those around you.