I’m going to keep writing these posts even if no one reads them …

I’m going to keep writing these posts even if no one reads them …

I’m not sure if anyone is even reading this.

To be honest, I don’t really care if anyone is even reading this.

If you are reading this, and you read and enjoy my posts, even find them useful, then that would make me feel wonderful and proud.

But that’s not really why I write. I write for me. I write (mostly) what I need to hear. This blog, to be perfectly honest, is almost like a journal; it’s my therapy to and for me.

Again, it’s not that I don’t want you / people to read my thoughts. I do. And I even think there’s much value and at times, even wisdom in these short articles. If there is anyone reading this and if you do gain something of value then as already noted … that really is a lovely thing.

At the same time, however, we can’t always rely on external validation for doing what we want to do. External validation is OK, it can even be very positive, but it’s also a risky foundation upon which to build your happiness and … your life.

So I do this for me. I write because it makes me happy. I post because it’s something from which I gain satisfaction and … if anyone else enjoys it too then that’s a bonus.

What do YOU do just for you? What would you do even if no one acknowledged it?