A few of the more interesting articles from this week … on happiness, hope, positivity and more!

A few of the more interesting articles from this week … on happiness, hope, positivity and more!

I think we all know hope is a good thing; but did you know there are different types of hope that provide different types of benefits?

Check out the PsychCentral article titled “The importance of hope: 8 examples” … HERE

In a similar way, I’m sure no one will be surprised to read about the benefits of hope; but as described in this Psychology Today article, there are some benefits that might surprise you … HERE

And what about the relationship between happiness, gratitude AND emotional intelligence? Never thought about it before? Well, you might like to read … THIS.

At what might be considered a “deeper” level, this new research explains how you can make your life feel more meaningful … HERE.

And finally, coming at you from Harvard’s Happiness Lab, 3 lessons to transform your work and life … HERE.

There’s so much good writing and research on happiness and how to be happier. Keep learning, keep striving, and … keep happy!