It’s OK to do nothing (even though you’re never really doing nothing)

It’s OK to do nothing (even though you’re never really doing nothing)

Like many, I find it hard to “do nothing”.

For me, “doing nothing” means wasting time, being unproductive, laziness and more, all of which don’t do much for my happiness.

Well, in truth, they do; they make me very unhappy because I often feel unworthy and worse when trying to relax.

But aiming to live a full life WITHOUT relaxing, WITHOUT allowing yourself time to rest and recuperate, is, well, absurd.

You wouldn’t expect your smartphone to function indefinitely without recharging.

You would expect your car to drive forever without filling up with petrol (or, more recently, recharging).

And I could go on but … “doing nothing is important for your health and wellbeing. Further, as hinted at, you’re never really doing nothing.

Resting is important for health and happiness.

Recuperation is important for health and wellbeing.

Even day dreaming and just allowing your mind to wander have been shown to provide significant, positive benefits for our mental and physical health!

So, it’s OK to do nothing. In fact it’s really good to do nothing from time to time. Do more nothing and enjoy more happiness and peace of mind : )