What if you only had 3 words to live by?

What if you only had 3 words to live by?

I’m a huge fan of simplicity.

By that, I mean I enjoy and strive towards minimalism.

But also, when it comes to habits for happiness and habits for wellbeing, I’ve no doubt that simple is better. The simpler we make our happiness boosting habits the more likely we’ll actually practice them. And if we practice them more often then we’re more likely to enjoy the benefits, such as health and happiness and all forms of life “success”.

So, in the spirit of simplicity, one thing I’ve found fantastically useful, especially in recent years, is having and regularly repeating to myself (several times each day) a 3 word credo.

Why just 3 words? Simplicity.

It could be more but 3 just seemed right to me.

And what’s a credo? Well, for me, it’s a statement of beliefs; or more accurately, a statement of aspiration. It’s what I want me to be in my best possible life.

Not surprisingly, 3 words can’t sum up everything I want to be; but my 3 words are enough to provide guidance and direction so I head in the right direction, and / or so I get back on track when I stray from the path.

In short, I find these words fantastically useful as a simple way to remind myself of how I want to life and who I want to be as I live.

What are my words? That’s irrelevant. What’s important is that YOU FIND WORDS THAT WORK FOR YOU. That being said, to give you some examples, your words might include positive and practical, patient and calm, wise and resilient and perseverant and kind. Your words could be all these and more. All that’s important is that their yours and that they guide you towards happiness and thriving and flourishing OR towards whatever you want to achieve in life!

With that, go forth and be guided by your positive credo : )