01 Oct We’re all a little bit messed up, in the same and different ways. And that’s OK!
Earlier today I was reflecting on one of my (many) insecurities.
I’m proud and satisfied about many aspects of myself and my life; but I’m also anxious and uncomfortable with many other aspects.
All of which is true for many, if not most people.
We all have attributes we like and don’t like, physical and mental qualities we treasure and … well, ones we don’t.
More often than not, we think we’re the only ones. And that just makes everything worse and more distressing.
But the reality is, if you have any form of mental ill-health, then you’re in the same boat as about 50% of the population. If you have body dissatisfaction then, again, you’re one of anywhere from 30% to 70% depending on which definition and which research you refer to.
The point is, on reflection after this morning’s “experience”, I reminded myself that I’m not alone. We’re all messed up in some way or other. It goes without saying that this can be more severe and more disabling for some, compared to others. But there really isn’t a person out there who’s 100% happy with everything about themselves or in their lives 100% of the time.
So, why am I sharing this?
Because remembering this can be reassuring. Reassuring ourselves that we’re not alone, that what we’re feeling is relatively normal can minimise the distress we feel associated with or on top of our worries. And I don’t. know about you, but for me, that’s pretty damn helpful.