11 Aug 5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You’re Unhappy
Happiness obviously comes from creating more opportunities to enjoy positive emotions and experiences.
But happiness also requires managing and ideally reducing the inevitable negative emotions and experiences.
Real and enduring happiness requires both, but today, the focus is on identifying what might be causing unhappiness so you can then take positive action …
via Your Tango by Mitzi Bockmann
Being unhappy is horrible. Unhappiness can take over and suck all the joy out your life. No one wants to be unhappy, but so many of us are.
One thing we don’t ask ourselves is, “Why am I unhappy?” We have a vague understanding that our lives are not what we hoped they would be, but we don’t know specifically why.
In an effort to help you identify what specifically is making you unhappy, I have five questions for you. Answer them in terms of your own life and you will be able to pinpoint why you are unhappy.
Here are 5 questions to ask if you’re unhappy
1. Are you proud of the choices you are making?
All of us have internal guiding principles, things like the importance of trust or honesty or loyalty. These guiding principles light our path to living our best life but, unfortunately, they can get lost as life happens.
Do you know what your guiding principles are and are you living them?
I have a client who was having an affair with a married man. He made her deliriously happy, or so she told herself. But still she didn’t feel good about her life and she didn’t know why. I asked her what her guiding principles were — what was most important to her in a relationship? After some thought and discussion, she realized that the truth was of paramount importance to her. And that nothing about her relationship with the married man was based on truth.
“Are you able to live with that?” I asked. “And be happy?”
The answer was “no” and she soon moved on into a relationship that was based on truth and trust and she is happy…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE