09 Aug These are the 5 most common negative thoughts holding you back
Much of happiness, and, indeed, unhappiness, comes down to how we think about things.
There’s no doubt that negative life events can, and do, effect our mood, including our happiness, but there’s also no doubt that the way we interpret, and think about negative life events plays a huge role.
Thoughts, therefore, negative and positive, helpful and unhelpful, are very much worth being aware of …
via Fast Company by Stephanie Vozza
Positive thinking offers a variety of benefits. Not only can it improve your health and job satisfaction, it can make you feel happier and less stressed. So, why is it hard to keep negative thoughts from entering and even filling your mind?
“People are looking outside of themselves more than ever,” says Jon Gordon, author of The One Truth: Elevate Your Mind, Unlock Your Power, Heal Your Soul. “It accelerated during the pandemic, as people were tuning into the news every day and being filled with fear. Fear and negative thoughts divide.”
While the brain often defaults to negative as an ancient survival mechanism when everyday life consisted of real threats, Gordon says that doesn’t explain the negative thoughts you have with regard to your identity.
“The battle of positive and negative [thoughts] for your identity and who you’re meant to be is not evolutionary, it’s spiritual,” he says. “Thoughts in general are spiritual and they exist in consciousness. The brain is the hardware where the activation happens. We fire synapses that bring the thought to life, allowing us to experience the thought, but it exists at an energetic form first.”
To overcome negative thoughts, you need to understand them, and Gordon says they come in the form of five Ds:
This is where you start to think that you might fail. You doubt your ability and worry that you’ll embarrass yourself and your family. Questioning yourself makes you lose confidence, and you feel weak and powerless. Doubt can grow into uncertainty, fear, and insecurity…
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