Feeling Tired or Stressed? Science Says This 1 Emotion Will Improve Your Mood and Mental Health

Feeling Tired or Stressed? Science Says This 1 Emotion Will Improve Your Mood and Mental Health

Most people enjoy positive emotions like happiness because they feel good.

But they’re also really good for us. Positive emotions like happiness can protect against stress and depression, and help to build resilience.

And it’s not just happiness. Other positive emotions have wonderful benefits too …

via Inc.com by Marcel Schwantes

It will also help you work more effectively and be more creative.

Have you ever experienced a moment that left you in awe, utterly captivated by the sheer wonder of it all? Whether it was witnessing a breathtaking natural landscape or marveling at a remarkable human achievement, awe-inspiring moments have a unique way of stirring our emotions and altering our cognitive processes.

Researchers have also been exploring the role of awe in the workplace and have found several significant benefits it can bring to employees and organizations. Here are some of the advantages of cultivating awe at work:

You’ll live longer

We need to experience more awe in life because it boosts happiness and eliminates things like depression and other autoimmune diseases. In fact, experiencing the emotion of awe by spending time in nature, listening to your favorite music, or observing remarkable artwork has a direct influence on health and life expectancy.

It’ll make you a better leader or colleague

Research has also found that inducing awe increased ethical decision-making, generosity, and prosocial values. Just standing in a grove of towering trees “enhanced prosocial helping behavior and decreased entitlement” among participants. In other words, it made people kinder…

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